Security and Safety

Yube1 is not responsible for any belonging of the customer. In case any Illegal activities or substances identified by Yube1 Management, strict action shall be taken along with concerned authorities and customer shall be evicted from the property without any notice.


Please ensure cleanliness in your rooms and shared areas. While our staff provides regular housekeeping services, the responsibility for personal items remains with residents.


Please pay monthly dues before 7th every English calendar month. Delayed payments after the due date i.e 7th of every month, Yube1 shall add additional penalty based on the below tariff till the dues are cleared.₹200 per day from the 8th to the 10th, ₹500 per day from the 11th to the 15th If the dues remain unpaid on 15th, our system will automatically remove the customer from the system and the customer has to make a new booking. Please note that Yube1 accepts payments only through the Yube1 Customer Application. Yube1 is not responsible for payments made through any other modes or to anyone's personal account.

Quiet Hours

In order to maintain a peaceful stay for all the residents, party or loud noises are not allowed after 7 PM.

Shared Space Policy

Please ensure to clean up the common amenities or areas such as the Shared areas, Kitchen and living room. Respect any specific area policies that may be in place.

Guests Policy

Guests are welcome from 9 AM to 5 PM and can access only the common areas, not allowed inside the rooms hereby ensuring the comfort of other fellow residents. Additionally, guests must register with the property manager before entering the premises. Any resident who has engaged his guest to stay without Yube1’s notice shall be evicted without notice.

Smoking Policy

Smoking or drinking inside the building and rooms is strictly prohibited. This policy is in place to avoid discomfort for non-smoking residents.


Security deposit refunds are typically processed within 10 working days following the customer's actual exit date, provided that a 30-day notice period has been served, dues have been cleared, and there is no damage to any assets. Note - Pay and initiate Notice in Customer App is only acceptable for notice period.

Ticketing Solution

Customers are kindly requested to submit a ticket via the customer application for any type of request, whether it’s related to maintenance, behavioural concerns, or any other matter you wish to bring to our attention. Maintenance-related requests typically have an average resolution time of 24 to 48 hours.

Suggestion and Feedback

We always value feedback from our residents and encourage you to reach out to us. You can contact us via email at or call us at 9150881113. Your input is important to us !